Why an All-Girls School?

Girls' schools like Miriam College are places where girls take the lead in every aspect of their education. All-girls schools provide an avenue for young women to develop their leadership skills in the student government, in extracurricular clubs and organizations, and even in sports events in the school. All-girls schools are, at their core, opportunities for leadership.

This important aspect of all-girls schools provide an important avenue for young women to take the lead in fields that otherwise they think would be inaccessible or challenging for them. All-girls schools drive this point home: girls can be anything they set their mind to.

All-girls schools foster lifelong friendships and connections. At Miriam College, alumna keep in touch through our vast alumni network, facilitated by the Alumni Engagement Office. We see Knollers 25, 50 years after garduating, still reminiscing their experiences at Miriam College.

To learn more about girls schools and their impact on education, go to https://girlsschools.org/advocacy/why-girls-schools/